Resident Registration

Please fill out the form below.
Registration Information

Program Qualifications:

Homeowner(s) MUST meet ALL of the following:

• Be at least 65 years of age OR disabled or a veteran

• Live in Ada County 

Own & reside in the home you are applying to have painted [must be your primary residence]

• Be unable to afford a commercial paint job 

• Your home must be in NEED of paint.

Application Deadline: March 31, 2025 (Please note: you must apply each year in order to ensure we have accurate information)

For Assistance: Please call 208-258-6222 or email us at with questions.

If Your Home is Chosen For Evaluation:

Evaluations are conducted on most homes that qualify. This does not mean your home has been chosen for Paint The Town™, it simply means your application has been accepted and you have moved on to the next step. You must be home when the paint evaluator visits.

Schedule of Events:

March 31: Application deadline

May 9: Homeowners notified if chosen

June 1-13: Teams can begin to prep home

June 14: Paint The Town™ Day - all teams complete their projects

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the selection procedures for Paint The Town™ candidates?

A: Upon receiving applications, Paint The Town™ staff review them for completeness and qualification. Each homeowner’s circumstances are considered on a case-by-case basis. Homes are chosen for evaluation in April, and a Paint Evaluator assesses the structure’s need for paint and repairs. The homeowner(s) must be present to meet with the Paint Evaluator (those chosen will be contacted with further information). Having your home evaluated does not guarantee that you’ll have your house painted – this is just part of the application process. Once the evaluations have been completed, homes and teams are selected and matched in May. Paint and supplies are distributed to the teams in late May and they can begin preparing homes for painting. Paint The Town™ day is June 14,2025.

Q: When will I find out if I have been chosen for Paint The Town™?

A: All applicants will be notified whether or not they have been chosen for this year’s project by May 9, 2025.

 What qualifies as a disability?

A: The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) provides specific definitions for a disabled household and for a person with a disability: A person with a disability is defined as an individual who: has a disability as defined in Section 223 of the Social Security Act; OR is determined to have a physical, mental, or emotional impairment which is: • expected to be of long, continued and indefinite duration; AND • substantially impedes his or her ability to live independently; AND • is of such a nature that such ability could be improved by more suitable housing conditions; OR • has a developmental disability as defined in Section 102 of the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act.

Q: Will I get to choose what color my house is painted? A: Yes, if your home is selected for evaluation, our Paint Evaluator will visit with you and show you our color fand deck. Based on their experience and your home’s current color, they will recommend certain colors. (Please note that we only require volunteers to apply one coat of paint, so our Evaluator doesn’t often recommend broad color changes.) We will obtain your approval before proceeding.

Q: I live outside of Boise. Do I qualify for Paint The Town™?

A: Paint The Town™ serves residents in Ada County. Homes in other counties do not qualify at this time. 

Q: How can I support Paint The Town™?

A: Although this program is provided at no cost to you, you may support the program by making a contribution to our Buy A Bucket campaign. Your donation will help cover the cost of paint and get you into a great prize drawing. 

Resident Information

If yes, you may need to provide verification.

If yes, you may need to provide verification.

Contact Information
Residence Information
Demographic Info
We need your financial information on an annual basis, and this section must be completed or this application will not be accepted.
Property Information

Disclaimer: All homes will be tested for lead paint. If lead paint is found in the exterior paint of your home, we unfortunately will be unable to paint it. 

Note: We only accept one-story single-family residences. We are unable to paint townhouses, condos, or apartments.

PLEASE NOTE: Volunteers can only make some minor repairs.

Program Application
Just a few last questions...

To the best of my knowledge, the information in this application is correct. I understand that supervised volunteers are painting my home. I will not hold NeighborWorks® Boise, any sponsoring agencies, or the volunteers liable for damages. I (we) plan to live in this home for several more years and agree not to sell for at least 2 years after having it painted, unless there are unforeseen circumstances.  I also understand and authorize NeighborWorks® Boise and its designated representatives to conduct a review of my security background check for volunteer safety purposes if I am chosen as a recipient of assistance through Paint the Town™.  I understand that the scope of the security background check may include but is not limited to civil and criminal history records from any court or criminal justice agency in any or all federal, state, county jurisdictions and any other public records.  I will not hold NeighborWorks® Boise and its designated representatives liable for damages of whatever kind which may result to me, my heirs, or family because of compliance with this authorization.